
Showing posts from August, 2022

Depression & Bariatric Surgery? A Patient's Experience !

  Doctor: What is the difference in your current condition and the condition before 10 years i.e. in July 2012? Patient: I haven't told anyone in my family that I was going for the surgery. Before surgery, I had only two options, the first one was to get this surgery done and another one was to end my life. Doctor:What problem you had before surgery? Patient:I had severe sleep apnea, and I was using a C-pap machine while sleeping. Doctor:Ok. Patient:I was on high dose antidepressants. I was taking those medications from last 20 years. Doctor:Ok. Patient:Yes! for sleep. Depression was the major problem that I had at that time. I was suffering from Diabetes Mellitus type II and Hypertension. Doctor:Are your blood sugar levels under control now? Patient:Yes! Doctor:You never needed any medication in these 10 years. Patient:Never. Doctor:What about C pap machine? Patient:I stopped that after 2-3 months of surgery. As I lost weight I never needed that...

Acid Reflex (GERD) & Bariatric Surgery (MGB-OAGB) ?

  Doctor: Mr. Harish, Now we will discuss about GERD and Acid reflux. Doctor:How was your condition before surgery?What was your situation 10 years back? Patient: Before surgery, I used to feel acidity all the time. I used to have acid reflux after having a meal. Doctor:Ok. Patient:I had heartburn and severe nausea. Patient:I was on very high dose of antacids at that time. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:This used to happen with you before surgery? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Have you ever had to vomit in these 10 years? Patient:With God's grace, I never felt like puking after surgery. Doctor:And what about acid reflux or acidity ? Patient:I took medications prescribed by you for 2-3 months. After that, I stopped all medicines which I was taking and I never felt acidity. I was taking anti-depressants only. Doctor:Do you need any medication now? Patient:If the doctor prescribe any antibiotics or ant-acids for specific reasons such as seasonal fever etc., only then I take them for few days. Otherwise, I...

How much can we eat after Bariatric Surgery? Can Sleep Apnea be cured with MGB-OAGB?

  Doctor: Mr. Jasbir, tell us when did you get this weight loss surgery (MGB) done? Patient: It has been a year to Bariatric Surgery. My surgery was done in June 2021. Doctor: How much weight have you lost? Patient:I have lost approximately 60 Kg. Doctor: Your weight is 80 Kg now, it was 140 Kg before surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor: You lost 60 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor: How do you feel now, about working? Patient:I am very comfortable now, I can do anything. No problem at all. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I have no problem. Doctor: Do you have any weakness? Patient:Nothing at all. Doctor: Have you ever felt that you can't eat properly? Do you feel satisfied after having meal? Patient:Yes! I feel satisfied. Doctor: How much can you eat in one go? Patient:I eat 1-1.5 chapati in the morning. Doctor: Ok. Patient:Sometimes I can eat 2 chapatis as well. Patient:Then I take curd and buttermilk in the afternoon. Doctor: That means you can eat like a normal person. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Can you eat 4-5 ...

शुगर और फैटी लिवर (Diabetes & Fatty Liver) में मैटाबोलिक सर्जरी (Metabolic Surgery) का क्या रोल है ?

  Doctor: When did you get Mini Gastric Bypass surgery done? Patient: My surgery was done in August 2020. Patient: Ok. Doctor:At the time of surgery your Hba1c was 11.6 Patient:Yes! Doctor:How much is it now, when you got it checked last? Patient:It was 5.1 Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Are you taking any tablets for Diabetes? Patient:Nothing. Doctor:Were you taking tablets before surgery? Doctor:Have you met any doctor about this? Patient:No, I haven't consulted with any doctor, I just get my regular tests done. Doctor:Your triglycerides were 182mg/dL at the time of surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Let's talk about other tests, your Hb is 12.9, other tests like calcium, proteins, everything is normal. Patient:Yes! Doctor:How much weight have you lost? Patient:I lost 42 Kg. Patient:Ok. Doctor:We are emphasizing diabetic patients in this talk. Doctor:Go to any Dialysis center in India and you will be surprised to see big lines of people for kidney transplants. Doctor:According to science, if yo...