How much can we eat after Bariatric Surgery? Can Sleep Apnea be cured with MGB-OAGB?
Doctor: Mr. Jasbir, tell us when did you get this weight loss surgery (MGB) done?Patient: It has been a year to Bariatric Surgery. My surgery was done in June 2021. Doctor: How much weight have you lost? Patient:I have lost approximately 60 Kg. Doctor: Your weight is 80 Kg now, it was 140 Kg before surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor: You lost 60 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor: How do you feel now, about working? Patient:I am very comfortable now, I can do anything. No problem at all. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I have no problem. Doctor: Do you have any weakness? Patient:Nothing at all. Doctor: Have you ever felt that you can't eat properly? Do you feel satisfied after having meal? Patient:Yes! I feel satisfied. Doctor: How much can you eat in one go? Patient:I eat 1-1.5 chapati in the morning. Doctor: Ok. Patient:Sometimes I can eat 2 chapatis as well. Patient:Then I take curd and buttermilk in the afternoon. Doctor: That means you can eat like a normal person. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Can you eat 4-5 chapatis in one go? Patient:No. I can eat maximum 2 chapatis. Doctor: Do you feel satisfied after taking a meal? Patient:Yes! Doctor: Are you taking multivitamins daily? Patient:Yes! Doctor: Get your blood tests done once in 6 months. Patient:Ok. Doctor: Did you snore before surgery? Patient:Yes! Doctor: Do you snore now? Patient:No. Doctor: I used to sleep while sitting in the daytime. Patient:Ok. Doctor: Yes! Doctor: We think about weight loss in the long run. We worry about how much we will lose, we don't want to lose more or regain weight after some time. Patient:Yes! Doctor: To maintain your weight take care of two things. Doctor: You won't lose more weight because your surgery design is good. You are eating comfortably without puking. Doctor: It has been a year to your surgery, and you lost good amount of weight. Patient:Ok. Doctor: If you want to lose more weight, then minimize sugar intake. Doctor: Eat 1 chapati instead of 2 and take more salad. Patient:No, my weight is perfect now. Doctor: Yes! It is good. Doctor: Ladies are more concerned about their weight. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Your bones are heavier and according to that, your weight is perfect. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Next, we think about weight gain. will you regain weight in the long run? Doctor: Your weight fluctuates. Doctor: Don't think we have locked your weight at a point. Patient:Ok. Doctor: This is not like that. Doctor: It is all about calorie intake. Doctor: If a person drinks sweet tea 10-12 times a day, his weight will definitely increase. Patient:Ok. Doctor: If you are eating too much sweets in the wedding season, then you will gain weight. Doctor: You can notice weight gain, stop taking sweets and you will lose weight. Doctor: If you are drinking more alcohol and gaining some weight. Decrease the quantity of that and you will lose weight. Doctor: It means you are the master of your weight. Patient:Ok. Doctor: You can maintain your weight according to your desire. Patient:Ok. Doctor: Take supplements regularly. Patient:Ok. Kular Bariatrics is considered the best bariatric center in India, Punjab for Mini gastric bypass. It is the first center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery outside the US which is being run in collaboration with Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway 1, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India. Appointment by Phone and Email +91-9878090001 #sleepapneatreatment #weightlosstransformation #weightlossresults
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