
Showing posts from May, 2022

Metabolic Syndrome. How to fix it ? MGB-OAGB procedure?

  Doctor: Yes, Mr. Kapoor tell us when did you get Mini Gastric Bypass (Bariatric )Surgery? Patient: My surgery was done in July 2019. Doctor:It is going to be three years to your surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor:How much total weight have you lost? Patient:I have lost approximately 35-38 Kg. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:What problems you had before surgery? Patient:I had a problem with my foot, which led to difficulty in walking. Doctor:Yes! you had the foot drop problem. Patient:I used to feel breathlessness while walking. Doctor:Ok. Patient:Yes! Doctor:You have Spina Bifida since birth. Patient:Yes! Doctor:So, being overweight conditions became worse. Patient:Yes! Patient:Walking and roaming were difficult. Patient:More problems were diagnosed like Diabetes Mellitus before surgery. Doctor:Ok. Patient:But, I got Bariatric surgery at the right time. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:What is the difference in your before and after surgery life? Patient:Now, I don't f...

Choking while Sleeping? Day time Sleepiness? Snoring ? Sleep Apnoea ?

Doctor: So, your bariatric surgery was done in 2017 and it has been approx 4.5 years to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Did you snore or felt choked while sleeping? Can you explain that? Patient:Everything is normal now. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Explain, what problem you had before surgery? Patient:I wasn't able to sleep at night. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I used to stay awake the whole night. Patient:I used to sleep while sitting only. Patient:Yes! I used to drool while sleeping. I always needed a towel. Doctor: Did you tell everyone what was it? and how do you got rid of it? Patient:Yes! I have awared my neighbors. Doctor: Ok. Patient:Yes! Doctor: You have lost a total of 37 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops. Doctor: This happens because of fatty tissues around the neck, which leads to airway obstruction. Doctor: The tongue falls when a person lies down, causing obstruction and leadi...

Can you have Weakness after Weight Loss Surgery (Bariatric Surgery)?

  Doctor: Mr. Jeevan, When did you get Bariatric Surgery? Patient: My surgery was done on 15.06.2021 Patient:It has been 9 months to my surgery. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:How much weight have you lost? Patient:I lost 52 Kg. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Mr. Gaurav, how long has it been to your surgery? Patient:It has been 5 months to my surgery. Patient:My surgery was done in October 2021. Doctor:Ok, and how much weight have you lost? Patient:I lost 25 Kg. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:But it looks like you have lost more weight than him. Patient:Yes! Doctor:How much can you eat once? Patient:I eat 1 bowl of curd in the morning. Doctor:Ok, you eat fewer chapatis? Patient:Yes! Doctor:How are your energy levels? Patient:I am very active. Doctor:Are you doing any exercise? Patient:I wake up early in the morning and do exercise for 2 hours in the gym. Doctor:Do you go to the gym daily? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Can you do exercise for 2 hours? Because generally, people may have muscle wasting after losing 52 Kg ...

67 years Old, 10 years after Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB-OAGB) Surgery...

Doctor: Mr. Jatinder, tell us how long has it been to your surgery? Patient: It has been almost 10 years, and 22 days to my surgery.   Doctor:How much was your weight at the time of surgery? Patient:My weight was 158 Kg. Doctor:How much weight did you lose? Patient:I lost almost 90 Kg. But now I gained 2-3 Kg. Doctor:Today your weight is 82 Kg. Patient:Yes! 82 Kg. Doctor:You came down to 82 Kg from 158 Kg after Bariatric surgery. Doctor:It is like one person is out from another. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Your weight was around 160 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor:How you are maintaining your weight? Doctor:You said you gained 3-4 Kg weight during the lockdown. Patient:Yes! Patient:During the lockdown, I was drinking beer the whole day. Patient:After stopping that, now my weight is stable. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Surgery results depend on you. Patient:If you drink less alcohol, then your weight will be under control. Doctor:You were doing this for the last 10 years. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Weight fluct...

5 Years after Weight Loss Surgery (Mini Gastric Bypass)..Customized Surgery according to Food Intake

  Doctor: Mr. Manohar, has it been 5 years to your surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: What benefits did you get from weight loss surgery and how much weight have you lost? Patient:I lost 60 Kg. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I feel very good. Doctor: What problems you had before surgery? Patient:I had a lot of issues. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I had difficulty in walking and sitting. Doctor: You had breathlessness while walking? Patient:Yes! Doctor: How long are you able to walk now? Patient:I can walk 3-4 kilometers comfortably. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Have you ever felt any difficulty in eating? Patient:No problem at all. Doctor: Sometimes people think that there may be problems in eating after surgery, as we change the system of eating. Doctor: Can you eat parathas comfortably? Patient:Yes! I can eat everything. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Means you can eat like a normal person. Patient:Yes! I can. Doctor: In how much time did you lose 60 Kg weight? Patient:In 6-7 months. Doctor: Is it easy to maintain weight? ...