5 Years after Weight Loss Surgery (Mini Gastric Bypass)..Customized Surgery according to Food Intake
Doctor: Mr. Manohar, has it been 5 years to your surgery?Patient: Yes! Doctor: What benefits did you get from weight loss surgery and how much weight have you lost? Patient:I lost 60 Kg. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I feel very good. Doctor: What problems you had before surgery? Patient:I had a lot of issues. Doctor: Ok. Patient:I had difficulty in walking and sitting. Doctor: You had breathlessness while walking? Patient:Yes! Doctor: How long are you able to walk now? Patient:I can walk 3-4 kilometers comfortably. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Have you ever felt any difficulty in eating? Patient:No problem at all. Doctor: Sometimes people think that there may be problems in eating after surgery, as we change the system of eating. Doctor: Can you eat parathas comfortably? Patient:Yes! I can eat everything. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Means you can eat like a normal person. Patient:Yes! I can. Doctor: In how much time did you lose 60 Kg weight? Patient:In 6-7 months. Doctor: Is it easy to maintain weight? Doctor: You must have gained 4-5 Kg? Patient:Yes! sometimes I gain weight and again I lose it. Doctor: You lose it by controlling diet and with some exercise. Doctor: MGB has made you the master of your weight. Patient:Yes! Patient:I suggest everybody, who is obese get this surgery done. Doctor: We make everyone aware of this because people fear Bariatric surgery. Patient:Yes! but I am doing good and that's why I am suggesting this. Doctor: These surgeries came to India from Western countries. Doctor: But these surgeries are more successful in India because here we can make designs according to the patient. Doctor: Like you can eat paranthas and samosa etc. Patient:Yes! Doctor: We have made your design according to that. If a Punjabi person is not able to eat a chapati, then he will be depressed. But we make long bypasses in this kind of case and with this, the person won't absorb fat. Doctor: Do you see oil in stool in the morning after having something oily in the evening? Patient:Yes! Doctor: Our main aim is that a person can eat well after surgery and get satisfaction after eating food. Doctor: Those persons who drink alcohol can have that too. Patient:Yes! Doctor: But don't think that you are perfect after surgery, you need to maintain weight. Doctor: Don't take this surgery for granted. You can eat oily foods or sweets once in a while but not on daily basis. Patient:I eat whenever I feel like having it. Doctor: Yes! this is normal to eat these things once in a while. Patient:Ok. Doctor: But taking these things on daily basis is not good for you. Doctor: This surgery will give you 80% results and 15-20% of efforts come from the patient's side. Patient:Ok. Doctor: But, It is easy to handle. Doctor: Are you taking multivitamins regularly? Patient:Yes! Doctor: Get your blood tests done once in six months. Patient:Ok. Doctor: If there will be any deficiency, then we will give you a shot. Doctor: If there is any problem, it is easy to handle. Patient:I needed an injection once in these 6 years. Otherwise, I am doing fine. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: There are very less chances of Iron deficiency in males. Doctor: As compared to you, if a woman loses 60 kg after bariatric surgery then she might need an iron injection every year, at least for the first 10 years after surgery. Patient:Ok. Doctor: After that, if a person thinks that this is a problem, then think that you are good after weight loss. Patient:Ok. Doctor: Iron deficiency in women is very common in India, and to eradicate that Govt. of India is running an anemia deficiency program. But no one is taking free tablets. Doctor: Every woman suffers Iron deficiency after delivering 2 babies. Everyone is already living with low Iron levels. Doctor: We are already living with deficiencies, our Vitamin-D levels are already on the lower side. Doctor: We need to be afraid of deficiencies but not to the extent that we are living a horrible life with obesity. Doctor: We got your blood tests done after surgery. And your Vitamin D levels are better now as compared to before surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Because you are taking multivitamins regularly. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Deficiencies become better after surgery because we keep a check on our vitamin levels. Patient:Yes! Doctor: The main thing in Bariatric surgery is the best surgery design. Doctor: Have you ever vomited after surgery? Patient:No. Doctor: This is the main benefit. Doctor: You never vomited once in these 6 years after surgery. Patient:Never. Doctor: Ok.
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