11 years after Mini Gastric Bypass. Patient narrates his story about Sleep Apnea & Blood Sugar etc.
Doctor: How long has it been to your Mini Gastric bypass surgery?Patient: It has been more than 11 years to my surgery. Doctor:Your surgery was done in 2011? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Now, Half 2022 is gone. How did you spend these 11 years? What is the difference in your before and after-surgery life? Patient:I got a new life after surgery, and these 11 years were very joyful for me. Before surgery, I had a big belly because of that I wasn't able to tie my shoe laces. Doctor:Ok. Patient:I had breathlessness while walking. Doctor:Ok. Patient:I had pain in my knees Doctor:Ok. Patient:My mother was diabetic and I was afraid that I will get Diabetes too. Doctor:Ok. After surgery, everything improved with weight loss. Patient:At the time of surgery my weight was 112 Kg and now my weight is 83 Kg. Doctor:You lost approximately 25-26 Kg weight. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Everyone thinks that after weight loss surgery patient will become weak. Many people must have told you that you look weak now, you have small face. What do you think? Do you feel weak or fit now? Patient:No, I am fit and fine now. I think my life span has increased after surgery. Doctor:Did you snore before surgery? Patient:Yes! and I don't snore now. Before surgery, my blood sugar levels used to be around 100mg/dL, but after surgery, it stays lower than 90mg/dL, even after eating something sweet. Doctor:Ok. You don't snore now? Patient:No, not at all. Doctor:You are not taking vitamins from some time? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Take multivitamins regularly. Get your blood tests done once in six months. Patient:Ok. Doctor:How do you manage your weight fluctuations? Do you control your diet or with something else? Patient:I control my diet. Like in winters I gain some weight but I lose it by controlling diet. It depends on you. Yes! Doctor:This surgery makes you the master of your weight. But you should know how to handle it. Ok. Patient:This surgery has given me a new life. So it is my duty to keep it safe. Doctor:If someone have soft drinks daily, then he/she will definitely gain weight. Patient:Yes! Doctor:You can fail any surgery with these habits. I think If a person wants to live his life to the fullest, he/she has to control few things. Patient:Yes! Doctor:After getting surgery done, you can't eat anything, It is not like that. Most of the times, patients take this surgery for guaranteed. Patient:Yes! Doctor:But it is not like this. Yes! you need to control what you are eating. Doctor:It is easy to handle weight with this surgery. It was possible to lose weight with dieting, but it is difficult to maintain weight loss. We gain weight after some time and at double speed. Patient:Yes! you can't control it. Doctor:Which is easy to handle. When you eat with a group of people, can anyone guess that you got any surgery done? How much you can eat in one go? Patient:I have not disclosed to anyone that I got this surgery done. Doctor:They got to know this when I told them. Obesity was considered as a character flaw, and it is same as of today. Yes! Most people think that this surgery is not needed. In the beginning, I used to think the same. When I went to the USA and I observed the patients and weight loss results closely, then I realized its importance. Earlier I thought it is easy to lose weight with diet and exercise. Then I realized that people get caught in a cluster of diseases that are common these days like Diabetes and hypertension, stroke & sleep apnea etc. Many young people die because of sleep apnea. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Sleep Apnea is common in your department. Patient:Yes! Doctor:It is an easy tool to lose weight, but in the long run you have to take care of this. You are not taking any supplements now, start taking multivitamins. Get your blood tests done once in six months. Do you exercise daily or not? Patient:Yes! I do light exercise because of my knee problem. Doctor:Persons who exercise daily, maintain good results in the long run. You have a knee problem, but start doing some muscle training exercises for other body parts. Do not just walk, start doing some exercise. Patient:I spend half an hour daily in the morning for exercise. Doctor:You can do yoga. You can go to the gym for muscle exercises, to tone up your muscles not for body building. This will improve your current results. Patient:Ok. Doctor:You will become active like a child who never gets tired. Patient:Ok, I will try. If I hadn't got this surgery done then, then I would be suffering from a serious illness now. Doctor:Actually, we can't predict anything. Many patients ask me will their life expectancy increase after surgery. We can't predict anything, it's all destiny. Death is unpredictable. Patient:Yes! Doctor:But how you are going to live a life totally depends on you. Do you want to live being overweight or do your want to live free? Of course, Everyone wants to live being fit. Patient:Yes!
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