71 years Old gets MGB-OAGB Weight Loss Surgery (Bariatric Surgery). Is it recommended?
Doctor: Mr. Garg, tell us how long has it been to your Bariatric Surgery?Patient: My surgery was done on January 13th. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:How old are you? Patient: I am 71 years old. Doctor:It has been more than 1 month to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor:You are 71 years old now. Patient: Yes! Doctor:Have you had any fear of getting surgery done at the age of 71 years? Patient: No. Doctor:Had anyone told you that you should not get this surgery at this age? Patient: No. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:What benefits did you get after weight loss surgery? Patient: I feel that after surgery my life expectancy has increased by almost 5 years. Doctor:It means you feel younger. Patient: Yes! Doctor:Have you had breathlessness while walking before surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: I used to feel heavy before surgery. Patient: Ok. Doctor:How much weight have you lost in this month? Patient: I have lost 10 Kg in a month. Doctor:Have you ever experienced any kind of nausea? Patient: No, nothing. Doctor:It means you had no feeling of nausea and vomiting? Patient: No. Doctor:Do you feel breathless or is it normal now? Patient: Everything is normal now. Doctor:Can you walk normally now? Patient: Yes! Doctor:It has been only one month to your surgery and everything is normal now. Patient: Yes! Doctor:But we fear getting surgery at old age. Doctor:If I fear doing surgery on an old-age person, that is normal. Because I can select to do surgery on younger patients than to do it on an old. Patient: Ok. Doctor:In your case, you are 71 years old, and after losing only 10 kg you feel younger and don't feel breathless now. Patient: Yes! Doctor:Living with overweight in old age is more difficult. Doctor:There is no upper age limit for doing Bariatric Surgery if surgery is done safely. Doctor:Had you felt any kind of pain during surgery? Patient: No. Doctor:This is because we had used TIVA anesthesia in your case, which does not have any paralyzing agent. Doctor:This is a switch-off and switch-on type of anesthesia. It takes 20-30 minutes to complete the surgery and the patient is awake after switching off the anesthesia. Doctor:Have you started walking on the same day of surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Having no nausea and vomiting, maintaining good quality after Bariatric surgery is a must. Doctor: If a person is 80-85 years old and is having a problem with obesity, should go for it. Doctor: Because if we can do the hip replacement in an old age then why can't we do Bariatric surgery, because obesity is a disease. Doctor: How much was your weight at the time of surgery? Patient: 127 Kg. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: 127 Kg means that you were carrying an extra weight of approximately 50 kg. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Is it easy for an old man to carry 50 Kg extra weight? Patient: It was like I was carrying a cement bag. Doctor: Yes! Doctor: We can do all tests of the patient like cardiology and routine tests and if the patient can tolerate 20-30 minute surgery then we can go for it. Doctor: Because old patients get more benefits after Bariatric surgery. Doctor: After 5-6 months you will climb stairs without any difficulties. Doctor: You should take care of this that you have to lose weight but not at the cost of weakness. Doctor: To avoid this take more and more milk and milk products. Doctor: Take 2 tablets of multivitamins daily. Doctor: Get your blood tests done once in six months, to check for any deficiency. Doctor: If you will have any deficiency, then we can give you a shot. Patient: Ok. Doctor: We have changed the internal design. Doctor: Earlier everything was absorbed in the body and now your body absorbs less. Doctor: Your food volume is decreased but not that much that you will feel depressed. Doctor: You can eat and won't vomit, but you can't eat that much like 2 bhaturas in one go. Doctor: There is no upper age limit in Bariatric Surgery. Doctor: If a person can tolerate a surgery of 20-25 minutes, then the patient should get it done. Kular Bariatrics is considered the best bariatric center of India, Punjab for Mini gastric bypass. It is the first center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery outside the US which is being run in collaboration with Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway 1, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India. www.kularhospital.com drkskular@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/weight.loss Appointment by Phone and Email +91-9878090001 office@kularbariatrics.com #bestweightlossresults #weightlosstransformation #surgeryfordiabetes
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