Can I take alcohol after Weight Loss Surgery or Bariatric Surgery (Mini Gastric Bypass) (MGB-OAGB)
Doctor: How long has it been to your Bariatric Surgery?Patient: My surgery was done in 2012. Ok. Doctor: How much was your weight at the time of surgery? Patient: At the time of surgery my weight was 127 Kg. Ok. Doctor: It has been approximately 10 years to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: How much is your weight now? Patient: Today my weight is 67.5 Kg. Doctor: It is like one person is out from another. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Have you gained some weight in these 10 years? Patient: Never. My weight was stable, but now I lost some weight. Doctor: At which point your weight was stable. Patient: My weight was stable at 73-74 Kg. Ok. Doctor: Do you have any difficulty in eating? Can you eat 2 chapatis in one go? Patient: I can eat 3 chapatis in one go. Doctor: 3 chapatis in one go? Patient: Yes! Doctor: If you eat in a group of people, no one can guess that you got some surgery done. Patient: No. Doctor: Do you have any problems like nausea or vomiting? Patient: I never had to vomit even once since I got this surgery done. Ok. Doctor: What problems you had, for which you got the surgery done? Patient: I used to feel choked while sleeping. Doctor: You had Sleep apnea because of heavy neck. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Do you have sleep apnea now? Patient: No, nothing. Doctor: You have no problem in eating. Patient: I used to fell breathlessness while walking. Ok. Patient: I don't feel breathless now. I can walk for kilometers without being breathless. Doctor: Did you drink alcohol before surgery? and how much? Patient: Yes! I used to drink alcohol before surgery. Doctor: Were you drinking too much alcohol ? Had you controlled alcohol intake after surgery? How much do you drink now? Patient: After surgery, I was drinking alcohol occasionally. Patient: Since last year I am drinking alcohol on regular basis. Ok. Doctor: Were you drinking a full bottle of alcohol after surgery? Patient: No. maximum quarter. Doctor: Had you ever felt like drinking alcohol? Patient: No. Doctor: What difference did you notice in alcohol intake before and after surgery? Do you control it and you don't feel like drinking now? Patient: After surgery, I didn't feel the urge to drink alcohol. Doctor: Ok. Patient: I had to drink alcohol because I was helpless. Doctor: Ok, where you can't refuse to drink. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Ok. Every patient's behavior and experience with alcohol intake are different. After surgery, many patients still drink half or full bottle of alcohol daily. Some patients say they don't feel like drinking now, and many say they feel good in less quantity. Because they have lost good amount of weight. Doctor: Have you noticed it, do you feel drunk in small quantity of alcohol? Patient: After surgery, I didn't feel like drinking alcohol. But if someone compelled me to drink, after a drink I used to feel full. Doctor: Ok. Patient: But, I didn't feel intoxicated in one drink. Doctor: Ok. Patient: My stomach felt full but I had no effect from alcohol. So I thought not to drink alcohol as I didn't feel good. Doctor: Means you don't like alcohol now. Patient: Yes! Doctor: We have seen there are various responses of patients and everyone's body response is different. There are many patients who have never tasted alcohol or never tried it, especially ladies. But there are many patients whose capacity of drinking alcohol increases after surgery. I think it totally depends on your thinking and your company. Your drinking capacity is not related to this surgery. It is possible if a person is not happy with the surgery, he/she can't eat properly, or I haven't made a good surgery design for the person. Patient: Ok. Doctor: If a person is suffering from depression, then he/she can drink more alcohol because of that. Patient: Yes! Doctor: This type of cases are rare. But like in your case, you have no problem and you are eating well. Alcohol intake is not an issue in your case. Patient: Yes!
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