Italian resident 11.5 years after MGB-OAGB (Weight Loss Surgery)
Doctor: How long has it been to your Mini Gastric Bypass surgery?Patient: My surgery was done in March 2011. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: It has been approximately 11.5 years to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: You are maintaining 58 Kg weight loss. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Ok. Patient: At the time of surgery my weight was 167 Kg. Doctor: Yes! Doctor: What is the difference in your before and after surgery life? Doctor: What problems you had before surgery? Patient: I had many problems before surgery. Patient: I had difficulty in walking and sitting. Doctor: Ok. Patient: I had Diabetes. Doctor: Were your Blood sugar levels under control before surgery? Patient: My blood sugar levels used to stay around 200-205mg/dL. Doctor: Were you taking anti-glycemic tablets before surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Were your blood sugar levels under control in these 11 years after surgery? Patient: Yes! Patient: I am not taking any tablet now. Doctor: How is your breathing pattern after surgery? Patient: I used to feel breathless if I have to climb stairs up to the 4th floor or more. Doctor: Ok. Patient: I have no problem in walking. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Patient: I can walk comfortably. Doctor: Were you not able to walk a long distance before surgery? Patient: No. Doctor: Getting Bariatric surgery done was right decision for you? What do you think? Patient: This surgery is like a blessing for me. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Most people think that they have gained or are gaining weight because of their faults. Doctor: and they think they can lose it by themselves. Doctor: But losing weight after a certain limit is difficult. Doctor: Had you tried to lose weight with diet or exercise? Patient: Yes! I had tried everything to lose weight. Doctor: You never lost weight with other things. Patient: Never. Doctor: Can you eat like a normal person? Doctor: Have you ever felt that you can't eat or you have to vomit after eating anything? Patient: I had a slight problem when I got this surgery done. Doctor: For how long? Patient: I hadn't eaten chapati in the first 3 months of surgery. Doctor: You were eating vegetables, cereals or fruits for 3 months. Patient: Yes! Patient: I used to drink buttermilk. Doctor: How many chapatis can you eat in one go? Patient: I eat 2.5-3 chapatis in the dinner. Not in the daytime. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Do you feel satisfied after eating 2.5-3 chapatis? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Can you eat 2 corn flour chapatis in one go? Patient: Yes! I eat whenever I get any in gurudwara. Doctor: You were living in Italy before and now you are living in England for the last 2 years. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Are you taking multivitamins regularly? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Do you get your blood tests done regularly? Patient: Yes! I get blood tests done once in six months. Doctor: Is there any deficiency or your tests are normal? Patient: No, everything is fine. Patient: Ok. Kular Bariatrics is considered the best bariatric center of India, Punjab for Mini gastric bypass. It is the first center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery outside the US which is being run in collaboration with Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway 1, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India. Appointment by Phone and Email +91-9878090001 #bestweightlossresults #weightlosstransformation
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