
Showing posts from 2022

Best Weight Loss Surgeon in Punjab | India | Dr Kular.Patient 11 yrs after Bariatric Surgery.

  Patient talking about his story 11 years after Mini Gastric Bypass. #bestweightlosssurgeoninpunjab #bestweightlosssurgeoninindia #bestbariatricsurgeoninpunjab #bariatricsurgerycomplications #bariatricsurgeryrisks

Best bariatric surgeon in Punjab.Clots & Obesity.How to control! Patient after 11 years of surgery.

  Patient after 11 years of bariatric surgery talks about how he was saved of the pulmonary embolism twice. #bestbariatricsurgeoninpunjab #bestweightlosssurgeoninpunjab #bariatricsurgerycomplications #bariatricsurgeryrisks

Bariatric Surgery in Punjab, India. MGB-OAGB weight loss surgery. 72 years Retired Officer’s story...

 In this video, a 72 yrs old retired officer shares his story of MGB-OAGB Bariatric/weight loss surgery at Kular Hospital. #bestweightlosssurgeoninpunjab #minigastricbypass #bestbariatricsurgeoninpunjab #MGB-OAGB #OAGB 

Lost 62 Kgs with MGB Keyhole Surgery...

  World's top Mini Gastric Bypass/ Bariatric Surgery / Weight loss surgery group (Only institute outside USA, being run by Dr Kular & Dr. Rutledge, USA ( the pioneers of Mini Gastric Bypass-One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass ( MGB-OAGB) . Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India +91-9878090001, Kular Bariatrics @kularhospital is considered the best bariatric/weight loss surgery hospital of India/Punjab for Mini gastric bypass- One anastomosis Gastric Bypass ( MGB-OAGB). It is the first Dr. Rutledge certified MGB-OAGB institute of Asia. Dr. Kular has been personally trained by Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Dr. Kular and Dr. Rutledge have a long association of more than 10 years & they have Jointly trained and mentored many bariatric surgeons for mini gastric ...

Is bariatric surgery safe in old patients? Weight loss surgery in the old.

  World's top Mini Gastric Bypass/ Bariatric Surgery / Weight loss surgery group (Only institute outside USA, being run by Dr Kular & Dr. Rutledge, USA ( the pioneers of Mini Gastric Bypass-One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass ( MGB-OAGB) . Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India +91-9878090001, Kular Bariatrics @kularhospital is considered the best bariatric/weight loss surgery hospital of India/Punjab for Mini gastric bypass- One anastomosis Gastric Bypass ( MGB-OAGB). It is the first Dr. Rutledge certified MGB-OAGB institute of Asia. Dr. Kular has been personally trained by Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Dr. Kular and Dr. Rutledge have a long association of more than 10 years & they have Jointly trained and mentored many bariatric surgeons for ...

Housewife sharing her experience after MGB-OAGB Weight Loss Surgery..!

  Doctor: Your surgery was done in February 2022. Patient: Yes! Doctor: You have lost 36 Kg in 8 months. Yes! Doctor: What are the benefits of this surgery to you? Doctor: What is the difference between your before and after-surgery life? My life was hell before surgery. Doctor: Ok. Now after weight loss, I am living my life. It is easy to go anywhere now. Doctor: Ok. I have no problem now. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: Is it easy to walk now? How long can you walk after weight loss? Recently, I went to Harimandir Sahib and I have done all my shopping on my own. Doctor: Can you do shopping for 4-5 hours? Yes! I spent more than 4-5 hours in the market. Doctor: Ok. Was it possible before surgery? Earlier, I didn't even feel like walking. Doctor: Ok. If we give you an extra 36 kg weight, it will be difficult for you to carry. Doctor: Yes! You have lost good amount of weight but take care of your diet. Take more milk products daily. Doctor: Eat fruits 4-5 times a day. Doctor: Don't starve fo...

10 Years after MGB-OAGB (Weight Loss Surgery).Can the Weight Regain?

  Doctor: 10 years ago, You got weight loss surgery done. Patient: Yes! Doctor: How did you come to know about bariatric surgery and how did you make up your mind to go for this? Patient: At that time my weight was 117 Kg and weight was causing a lot of problems. Ok. Doctor: Did you feel breathless while walking? Patient: Yes! Ok. Doctor: Had any of your knowns got this surgery before you? How did you make up your mind? Patient: One of my knowns, a deputy from Bathinda got this surgery done from you. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Yes! Patient: He shared his experience with me. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: How were your 10 years of experience with weight loss surgery? Doctor: Have you ever thought that you can't eat properly or that getting this surgery done was your wrong decision? Patient: No. Nothing like this. Ok. Doctor: How many chapatis can you eat in one go? Patient: I can eat 2-2.5 chapatis in one go. Doctor: Can you eat 2-2.5 chapatis vegetables or pulses? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Have you eve...

Can the Weight increase again after Bariatric Surgery ( MGB-OAGB Weight Loss Surgery)?

  Doctor: In the long run how to maintain weight? Patient: You can gain weight if you want. Yes! Doctor: In some cases, patients lose excess weight. In those cases, we have to do an MGB reversal. So, we do this surgery in certain limits that patients won't lose more weight. If we exceed the limit, then you will have weakness. Doctor: How do you maintain your weight? with diet or exercise? Patient: I know about my body and what I eat, Like with milk I gain weight, and when I stop it, my weight stabilizes. Ok. Doctor: Do you drink Alcohol? Patient: No, I don't. Doctor: Some men gain weight with excessive alcohol intake and in some women drinking sweet tea frequently leads to weight gain. Weight depends on calorie intake. Patient: Yes! Doctor: But this surgery is easy to handle , like a car with power steering is easy to drive but you have to drive it. Get your blood tests like Iron, calcium and vitamin b12 done. Patient: According to me, this surgery helps to cure many diseases. ...

Three patients 8.5 years, 5 years & 4 months after MGB-OAGB Surgery discussing their experience..!

  Doctor: Now we are going to discuss about handling of weight loss after Bariatric surgery. Patient: It has been 8.5 years to Mini Gastric Bypass surgery. Yes! Doctor: How much total weight have you lost? Patient: Before surgery my weight was 122 Kg. Doctor: Today, your weight is 87 Kg. Patient: Yes! Doctor: It means you are maintaining 35 Kg weight loss. Patient: Yes! It varies from 83-85 Kg. Doctor: Do you feel good? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Do you have any problem now? Patient: I have no problem at all. Ok. Doctor: What is the difference between your before and after-surgery life? Patient: There is huge difference. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: It has been 4 months to your surgery. Doctor: How much weight have you lost? Patient: I lost 48 Kg. Doctor: You lost 48 Kg in 4 months. Doctor: What is the difference between your before and after-surgery life? Patient: There is huge difference in my life now. Doctor: What exactly? Patient: I can walk easily now. Doctor: Before surgery, you used to s...

11 years after Mini Gastric Bypass. Patient narrates his story about Sleep Apnea & Blood Sugar etc.

  Doctor: How long has it been to your Mini Gastric bypass surgery? Patient: It has been more than 11 years to my surgery. Doctor:Your surgery was done in 2011? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Now, Half 2022 is gone. How did you spend these 11 years? What is the difference in your before and after-surgery life? Patient:I got a new life after surgery, and these 11 years were very joyful for me. Before surgery, I had a big belly because of that I wasn't able to tie my shoe laces. Doctor:Ok. Patient:I had breathlessness while walking. Doctor:Ok. Patient:I had pain in my knees Doctor:Ok. Patient:My mother was diabetic and I was afraid that I will get Diabetes too. Doctor:Ok. After surgery, everything improved with weight loss. Patient:At the time of surgery my weight was 112 Kg and now my weight is 83 Kg. Doctor:You lost approximately 25-26 Kg weight. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Everyone thinks that after weight loss surgery patient will become weak. Many people must have told you that you look weak now, ...

Can I take alcohol after Weight Loss Surgery or Bariatric Surgery (Mini Gastric Bypass) (MGB-OAGB)

  Doctor: How long has it been to your Bariatric Surgery? Patient: My surgery was done in 2012. Ok. Doctor: How much was your weight at the time of surgery? Patient: At the time of surgery my weight was 127 Kg. Ok. Doctor: It has been approximately 10 years to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: How much is your weight now? Patient: Today my weight is 67.5 Kg. Doctor: It is like one person is out from another. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Have you gained some weight in these 10 years? Patient: Never. My weight was stable, but now I lost some weight. Doctor: At which point your weight was stable. Patient: My weight was stable at 73-74 Kg. Ok. Doctor: Do you have any difficulty in eating? Can you eat 2 chapatis in one go? Patient: I can eat 3 chapatis in one go. Doctor: 3 chapatis in one go? Patient: Yes! Doctor: If you eat in a group of people, no one can guess that you got some surgery done. Patient: No. Doctor: Do you have any problems like nausea or vomiting? Patient: I never had to vom...

Surgery for Diabetes? What are the results & side effects? Husband and wife share their experience !

  Doctor: We have done your surgery for Diabetes? Patient: Yes! Doctor: We call it Metabolic Surgery. The technique is almost the same, we make some customizations such as a bigger pouch and longer bypass to decrease absorption. In your case, we didn't want you to lose more weight. Patient: Yes! Doctor: How much was your weight at the time of surgery? Was it 84 Kg? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Today your weight is 72 Kg. Patient: Yes! Doctor: You have lost 12 Kg. Patient: Yes! Doctor: It has been more than 1 year to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Is your weight stable now? Patient: Yes! Ok. Doctor: Can you eat like a normal person? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Can you eat 2 chapatis with vegetables or pulses? Patient: No, I don't eat chapati. But I eat chicken with vegetable or pulses like a normal person. Doctor: How are your blood sugar levels now and before surgery? Patient: Before surgery, my blood sugar levels were more than 200-250mg/dL even after taking Insulin. Ok. Doctor: How a...

Surgery for Diabetes? Can it provide Cure or Control?

  Doctor: Mr. Sadha Singh, when did you get your Mini Gastric bypass surgery done? Doctor: In June 2017? Patient: Yes! Doctor: It has been more than 5 years to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: How were your blood sugar levels earlier? Patient: It used to stay around 250mg/dL. Doctor: Ok and how is it now? Patient: Recently, One day I checked it was 88mg/dL. Doctor: Did you need any tablets in these 5 years for high blood sugar levels? Patient: No. Doctor: It was under control without any medication. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Tell me how much weight have you lost? Doctor: You lost total 43 Kg. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Your weight is fluctuating. Sometimes you gain or lose some weight. Patient: Yes! Doctor: You have gained 3 kg weight as compared to your weight on the last visit. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Have you ever felt that you can't eat properly? How much can you eat in one go? Patient: I can eat like a normal person. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Yes! Doctor: When you eat in a group, no one ca...

Italian resident 11.5 years after MGB-OAGB (Weight Loss Surgery)

  Doctor: How long has it been to your Mini Gastric Bypass surgery? Patient: My surgery was done in March 2011. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: It has been approximately 11.5 years to your surgery. Patient: Yes! Doctor: You are maintaining 58 Kg weight loss. Patient: Yes! Doctor: Ok. Patient: At the time of surgery my weight was 167 Kg. Doctor: Yes! Doctor: What is the difference in your before and after surgery life? Doctor: What problems you had before surgery? Patient: I had many problems before surgery. Patient: I had difficulty in walking and sitting. Doctor: Ok. Patient: I had Diabetes. Doctor: Were your Blood sugar levels under control before surgery? Patient: My blood sugar levels used to stay around 200-205mg/dL. Doctor: Were you taking anti-glycemic tablets before surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: Were your blood sugar levels under control in these 11 years after surgery? Patient: Yes! Patient: I am not taking any tablet now. Doctor: How is your breathing pattern after surgery? Patient:...

Maintaining 44 Kg Weight Loss | Housewife 10.5 years after MGB-OAGB (Weight Loss Surgery)

  Doctor: When did you get Bariatric (Weight loss) surgery done? Patient: My surgery was done in 2012. Doctor: Your surgery was done in March 2012. So, it has been more than 10 years to your surgery. Before surgery your weight was 124 Kg and now your weight is 80 Kg. It means you are 44 Kg down. Doctor: Share your 10 years of experience with us. What is the difference between before and after surgery life? Patient: My life is totally changed now. Doctor:Ok. What problems you had before surgery? Patient: The main problem was breathlessness on exertion. Doctor:How long were you able to walk before surgery? Patient: I was unable to walk before surgery. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:How long can you walk now? Patient: I can walk now. Doctor:Can you walk anywhere now like in the market or in malls? Patient: We went to Kedarnath. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:We are worried about deficiencies after weight loss. You have lost good amount of weight. We are always worried about deficiencies because there are sever...

Businessman from Rajasthan (and 7 of his friends & family members) get MGB-OAGB-Weight Loss Surgery

  Doctor: Mr. Sanjeev, how did you come to know about Bariatric surgery at Kular Hospital? Patient: Many of my friends and relatives got this surgery done. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Their weight loss results are really impressive. Doctor: How many friends and relatives got this surgery done? Patient: More than 7-8 members got this surgery done. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Yes! Minimum. Doctor: What is your experience, what changes have you noticed in your life with weight loss? Patient: The main difference is that I feel active now. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Earlier I used to feel lethargic the whole day. Doctor: Ok. Patient: Now, I like walking and playing. Doctor: Ok. Patient: I had a problem of acidity before surgery, which is gone now. Doctor: That is better now. Patient: Almost cured. Patient: My diet is almost changed now, I eat healthily. Doctor: Your quality of diet is changed after surgery. Doctor: You don't like unhealthy things now. Doctor: Yes! Doctor: Why you don't like unhealthy f...

Maintaining 44 Kg Weight Loss | Housewife 10.5 years after MGB-OAGB (Weight Loss Surgery)

  Doctor: When did you get Bariatric (Weight loss) surgery done? Patient: My surgery was done in 2012. Doctor: Your surgery was done in March 2012. So, it has been more than 10 years to your surgery. Before surgery your weight was 124 Kg and now your weight is 80 Kg. It means you are 44 Kg down. Doctor: Share your 10 years of experience with us. What is the difference between before and after surgery life? Patient: My life is totally changed now. Doctor:Ok. What problems you had before surgery? Patient: The main problem was breathlessness on exertion. Doctor:How long were you able to walk before surgery? Patient: I was unable to walk before surgery. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:How long can you walk now? Patient: I can walk now. Doctor:Can you walk anywhere now like in the market or in malls? Patient: We went to Kedarnath. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:We are worried about deficiencies after weight loss. You have lost good amount of weight. We are always worried about deficiencies because there are sever...

Is there a Surgery for Diabetes? What is Metabolic Surgery?

Kular Bariatrics is considered the best bariatric center of India, Punjab for Mini gastric bypass. It is the first center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery outside the US which is being run in collaboration with Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway 1, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India.​​ Appointment by Phone and Email +91-9878090001 #bestweightlossresults #weightlosstransformation  

Alcohol & Bariatric Surgery? Does your capacity increase or decrease? How to handle?

  Doctor: Today we are going to discuss about Weight Loss Surgery (MGB-OAGB) and Alcohol intake. Alcohol intake after Bariatric surgery. Some people say that their alcohol intake increased after this surgery while others say that they don't like alcohol after surgery. God has blessed me with maximum experience about alcohol intake because alcohol has become a trend these days and every other person drinks alcohol. Patient: Yes! Doctor: It has been 13 years to your surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: It has been 4 years to your surgery? Patient: Yes! Doctor: How much weight have you lost? Patient: Before surgery my weight was 135 Kg and now it is 72 Kg. Doctor: It is like one person is out from another. You lost 63 Kg. How much was your weight before surgery? Patient: Before surgery, my weight was 126 Kg. Doctor: How much is your weight now? Patient: Today my weight is 88 Kg. Doctor: Ok. It means you lost approximately 36-38 Kg weight. Patient: I lost approximately 40 Kg. Doctor: Your w...

Can we gain weight after Bariatric Surgery? Patient's discussion 9 years after MGB-OAGB !

  Doctor: Mr. Chetan, when did you get Weight loss surgery done? How long has it been to your Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery? Patient: My surgery was done in 2013. Doctor:In July 2013? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Means it has been 9 years to your surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor:How much weight have you lost? Patient:I lost 68 Kg. Doctor:How much is your weight now? Patient:68 Kg. Ok. Doctor:You lost 68 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor:Your current weight is 68 kg and You lost 68 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor: and 68 Kg is left behind. Have you felt any difficulty in eating food in these 9.5 years? or have you ever felt that life is difficult after this surgery? Patient:No issue at all. For 1 year after surgery, I used to eat 1-1.5 chapati. Doctor:You used to feel full after having 1 chapati. Patient:Yes! Slowly I started eating more. Doctor:Now, you can eat like a normal person. How do you manage your weight? Is it increasing with time? Patient:No, I am not gaining weight. My weight is stable at 68 Kg from las...

ਰਾਤ ਨੂੰ ਲੇਟ ਖਾਣ ਨਾਲ ਕੀ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ?What happens when you eat dinner late at night?

  Kular Bariatrics is considered the best bariatric center of India, Punjab for Mini gastric bypass. It is the first center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery outside the US which is being run in collaboration with Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway 1, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India.​​ Appointment by Phone and Email +91-9878090001 #bestweightlossresults #weightlosstransformation

Bariatric Surgery & Alcohol Addiction. How to handle?

  Doctor: Mr. Jasbir, now we will discuss about alcohol intake. Patient: You got Mini Gastric Bypass surgery done for overweight. Doctor:You lost 60 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Before surgery your weight was 140 Kg and now it is 80 Kg. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Tell me honestly about your alcohol intake, how much alcohol you were drinking before surgery? Patient:I was a heavy drinker before surgery. Doctor: How much? one bottle or 2 in a day? Patient:I used to drink a bottle daily. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: You have lost good amount of weight after surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor: You can eat everything. You feel satisfied after eating 2 chapatis in one go. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Do you feel any restriction while drinking alcohol? or you don't feel satisfied? Patient:No. I can't drink full bottle of alcohol now. Doctor: How much do you drink now? Patient:I drink half bottle now. Doctor: You feel satisfied in half bottle? Patient:Yes! Doctor: You feel good. Patient:Yes! I feel drunk in less amount...