Bariatric Surgery (MGB-OAGB) in Severe Sleep Apnea?

 Doctor: Mr. Dinesh, when did you undergo Bariatric Surgery?

Patient: My surgery was done on July 10th. Doctor:10 July 2021? Patient:Yes! Doctor:It has been 8 months to my surgery. Patient:Ok. Doctor:How much weight have you lost in these 8 months? Patient:Approximately 39-40 Kg. Doctor:You have lost approximately 40 Kg. Doctor:What benefits you got after this surgery? Patient:Life is good now. Doctor:Ok. Patient:Body is active now. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Don't you feel breathlessness now? Patient:Yes! I wasn't able to walk before surgery. Patient:Everything is better now. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Do you remember that your Serum creatinine was on the higher side before surgery? Patient:It was about 2.8 mg/dL before surgery. Doctor:Before surgery It was 2.7mg/dL Patient:Yes! Doctor:How much is it now? Patient:It is 1.76 mg/dL now. Doctor: 1 mg/dL is the normal value, which means serum creatinine is also decreased after surgery. Patient:Yes! Doctor:We have observed that weight loss is effective for whole body. Doctor:Being overweight affects all organs. Doctor:Obesity leads to a heavy neck which causes snoring problems in males. Doctor:Did you snore before surgery? Patient:Yes! I used to snore loudly and you had given me a c pap machine after surgery. Doctor:You had severe sleep apnea. Patient:Yes! Doctor:You had obstructive sleep apnea. Doctor:Do you need C-PAP machine now? Patient:No. Doctor:There are many problems like a Heart attack or stroke, these are also associated with obesity. Doctor:We can't say that you will never have a heart attack in the future, but the chances are less now. Doctor:Because you have lost 40 Kg. Doctor:It has been only 8 months to your surgery. Doctor:You can lose more weight. Doctor:Are you still losing weight? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Have you ever had vomit? Can you eat properly? Patient:Yes! Doctor:Have you ever thought that getting this surgery done was wrong decision? You can't eat now? Patient:No, never. Doctor:Can you eat 1 chapati comfortably? Patient:Yes! Doctor:If you want to eat something else, can you eat that too? Patient:I can eat anything whatever I want to. Doctor:If anything asks you about surgery then tell them this is a Punjabi-style procedure, in which you can relish your food. Doctor:If we make the smaller pouch, it won't be comfortable for the patient. Patient:I can eat poori sometimes. Doctor:Ok. Doctor:Eat multivitamins regularly. Doctor:Be in touch with your nephrologist. Patient:Ok. Kular Bariatrics is considered the best bariatric center in India, Punjab for Mini gastric bypass. It is the first center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery outside the US which is being run in collaboration with Dr. Robert Rutledge, the father of Mini Gastric Bypass from the USA. Kular Hospitals P. Ltd, National Highway 1, Bija, Khanna, Punjab, India.​​ Appointment by Phone and Email +91-9878090001 #sleepapnea #weightlosstransformation #weightlossresults


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