Which Weight Loss Surgery is safe & effective? Detailed discussion from a Patient's point of view .!
Doctor: When did you get Mini Gastric Bypass surgery for obesity?Patient: I will complete one year in July 2022. Doctor: Your surgery was done in July 2021. Doctor: How much weight have you lost? Patient:I have lost 45 Kg. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: What benefits did you get after losing 45 kgs? Doctor: How do you feel after losing weight? Patient:I feel better now. Patient:Everything is better now, I can walk properly, and can do my work. Patient:Before surgery, I used to feel my neck choked while sleeping. Patient:The fat around the neck was like a rope that used to choke the neck. Doctor: You used to feel shortness of breath while lying. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Is it easy to walk now? Patient:Yes! Doctor: This 45 Kg was like a punishment and now you got rid of that weight. Patient:Earlier I used to feel breathless while walking but now I climb stairs at least 10 times a day without any problem. Doctor: Now, you don't feel shortness of breath? Patient:No, I clean all the roofs without feeling tired. Doctor: Have you ever thought that your decision of getting this surgery was wrong? Doctor: Because everyone is afraid of this surgery. Patient:Before surgery I used to be afraid to go to Operation theatre, I was asking my attendants to go with me. Doctor: After surgery, you felt good. Patient:Yes! Doctor: Bariatric Surgery is way easier than Normal Delivery or Cesarean Surgery. Doctor: What do you think? Patient:It was easier. Doctor: How much pain did you feel during or after surgery? Patient:Not much. Doctor: Is there any kind of restriction on eating after surgery? Doctor: Have you ever felt that you can't eat much now? Patient:No. Doctor: Have you ever felt that? Patient:I don't like eating much now. I don't feel like eating fried or sweet things. Doctor: Ok. Doctor: How much you can eat in one go? Doctor: Can you eat one chapati with vegetables or pulses in one go? Patient:I start my meal with vegetables or pulses and after that, if I feel like having chapati, then I eat one. Patient:I drink 1 glass of milk at night. Doctor: When do you stop eating? When you feel full or to vomit or when you feel satisfied? Patient:I stop eating when I feel satisfied. Doctor: Do you feel like vomiting every day? Patient:No. Doctor: It means you can eat like a normal person and you never felt like you can't eat? Patient:No, I never felt like that. I eat small quantities but I feel satisfied with that. Doctor: Are you taking multivitamins regularly? Patient:Yes! Doctor: Get your blood tests done once in every six months. Patient:Ok.
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